
Discipline is considered as the crucial part of the working and productivity of any organization which aims at its ever widening perfection and excellence. Teachers of our school tries to develop self-discipline in our young learners which is considered as the best discipline method. Our school does not try to apply discipline forcibly upon our students but it facilitates the way of developing self discipline for our students by monitoring and organizing various useful activities which involve self disciline. Discipline committee is also there which takes overall care of all the activities of students in school premises.

Students are expected to : -

  1. Attend the class on time and be seated quietly.
  2. Respect and cooperate with teachers and other students.
  3. Be attentive and work quietly during the class and follow the instructions given by the teacher.
  4. Respect the right of the others and do not disturb the class.
  5. Avoid running, Shouting or pushing others while moving in the corridors.
  6. Keep the furniture in place and check the cleanliness before leaving the room.
  7. To avoid, absence without leave, damaging school property, fighting, misbehave with others , substances abuse and dishonesty.