Frequently Asked Questions

  • Courses and application

    It is based on C.B.S.E. pattern syllabus up to class 8th and looking forward for establishing a new C.B.S.E. look. Presntly, the school is recognized by State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.

  • How do I enroll my child in school ?

    (1) Admission to JHPSS in through Aptitude test

    (2) Eligibility for admission would not be self secure in the class if the seats are not vacant of the child is not considered suitable for the class.

    (3) 31st July is the last date of admission, later transferable admission will be acceptable. (condition applied).

    (4) The student should complete the age of the 3 years on 1 July of the year for admission in class-LKG.

  • What enclosures are required for the Registration Form?

    I. D.O.B. certificate only for Nursing, KG, Class 1st
    II. Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.
    III. Photostate of the Progress Report (Class 1st onwards) of the previous classes.

  • School Timing @ JPHSS?

    Nursery           –        10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
    LKG, UKG        –        09:00 AM to 12:55 PM
    1st to 12th       –        09:00 AM to 02:45 PM

  • What are the General Rules for students?

    • It is compulsory for the students to come in proper and neat uniform every day. Those who do not come in proper uniform will be sent back or fined.
    • Boys should have proper hair trimmed. Girls should have their hair well groomed. Only simple earning is allowed.
    • Nails should be properly trimmed. Use of nail polish is forbidden.
    • Students should arrive to school 10 minutes before school timing.
    • A student admission will be cancelled if he/she is found misbehaving in the school premises.
    • Strict action will be taken if a student comes repeatedly to school without doing his/her homework.
    • No student will be allowed to leave the school during school hours except in avoidable circumstances. The student will be allowed only if the parents personally come with written application to collect them.
    • Every student must bring his/her diary to school daily.
    • Punctuality and regularity in the attendance is must.
    • Students studying in English Medium must be spoken in English.
    • Discipline must be maintained strictly during movement between classroom and labs must be orderly and silent.
    • School property should not be tempered of damaged. Anyone found damaging will be fined Rs. 100.00 in addition to cost on damaged property.
    • Students are not allowed to carry cell phone, walkman or any other unwanted material to the school.
    • Deposite the fees within 15th day of the running month. Late fee will be charged @ 5.00 per month.
    • A pupil will be eligible to appear in the session ending examination. If he/she has completed 75% attendance.
    • Pupil absenting themselves forms the school for 15 consecutive days without permission shall have their name struck off the roll.
    • Transfer certificate will be issued on written application submitted by the parent or guardian if all the dues have been paid.
    • In your daily routine please spend some time with your child and supervise his/her homework. Class work and personal cleanliness.

    Excepting your full co-operation & support.


  • How do I transfer my child to a different school?

    Parents who wish to have their child transferred to a different school must fill out the Change of School Assignment Form. The form must be turned in at your child’s  school. Requests will then be approved or denied by a school office.

  • Who do I contact if I have a query about my child?

    Depending on the nature of the query, your child’s Class Teacher is responsible to answer you, and you may also contact the School Administration.